Applicant Support
How do I get to the WNYRIC Applicant Tracking website to create an application or login? |
Click on, copy/paste, or type the following into your web browser: |
How can I change my Password? |
Login, click "Accept" at the Disclaimer, and then click "Account Information" in the Black bar at the top right of the page. Mouse down to "Change Password" and click on it. You will need enter the new password in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" boxes, before clicking "Change Password" to save it.
The passwords are case sensitive, must be at least eight characters, a mixture of both characters and numbers, and the new password cannot be identical to your username.
How can I change my Username? |
Login, click "Accept" at the Disclaimer, and then click "Account Information" in the Black bar at the top right of the page. Mouse down to "Change Username" and click on it. You will need to enter your new username in the textbox to the right of "Username" and then click "Save and Next" to save it.
I cannot access my WNYRIC Application. |
If you cannot remember your username and/or password, go to the Applicant Tracking Login Page
Click "having trouble logging in?" - enter the email address that was added to your application and click "send recovery email".
If you cannot remember the email address used or no longer have access to the emaill address, please call us to reset your username and/or password - 716-821-7065, 716-821-7052, or email |
I do not see the job posting I am interested in? |
Certified Jobs (teachers/administrators/nurses) - Classified Jobs (clerical, bus drivers, teacher aids, etc.) -
After going to the Job Type, click the Blue "District" header at the top of the page to A-Z sort the districts, find the district and locate the job. |
I am not authorized to see a job posting. |
If you have a message that reads, you are "not authorized to see a job posting", this has two meanings. 1. You have not selected the district on the "Districts" page of your application. To see your "Districts" page, login to your application, go to your "My Application" (located on the left-side of the Black bar at the top of the "Welcome to the Online Application System for WNY Schools" page).
After Clicking "My Application", the first page you see is the "Districts" page, scroll down this page past the map, and see if the school where you would like to apply has a check mark in the box to the left of the school. If a check mark is missing, click on the box to create a check mark and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "save and next".
2. You have the wrong Applicant Type. Applicants have the ability to change the Applicant Type from Certified to Classified, Classified to Certified, or make a Certified/Classified Application.
To do this, go to your "My Application" (located on the left-side of the Black bar at the top of the page on the "Welcome to the Online Application System for WNY Schools" page). Click on the "General Information" page in the list of pages on the left-side of the screen and then scroll down the page until you see "change type" in Blue (click on it).
If you decide to add a second Applicant Type to your current application, click on the empty box to create a check mark and then click "save and next" to save it.
If you want to change your Application Type, select the box with a check mark to remove the check mark and then check mark the desired Applicant Type, and click "save and next". |
How can I tell if my application is complete? |
On the "My Application" page, click the "check mark inside a circle" icon to see the status of your application. If it reads, "this application is incomplete" - click the blue page link at the end of the missing item to complete it. Repeat this step until all the items are cpmplete. A completed application will read, "Data Entry Requirement Met". This means that all of the required fields have been complete. |
How do I know that I successfully applied to a Job? |
Login to the application, and click "Jobs" on the Black bar at the top of the screen. Next click "Applied Jobs". |
Where in the application should I upload my resume? |
There are two places in the "My Application" section to upload your resume. The "General Information" Page and "Attachments" page should include your resume.
You may also need to add your resume as part of job posting. |
If I have my documents (resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, etc.) on my Attachments page can they be used to apply to a posting? |
If a job posting requires you to add a resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, etc. to apply to a job posting, you will need to upload them separately. The documents added to the "Attachments" section cannot be moved or transfer to the spot where you are applying to a job posting. |
If I apply to a WNYRIC posting on another website will it be added to the WNYRIC Posting? |
No. Applying on another website will not transfer the application to the WNYRIC website. |
What should I do when adding a document to the Attachments section? |
When adding an attachment (resume, cover letter, letter of recommendation,etc.) to the "Attachments" section, make sure to add details to about the attachment in the "Additional Notes" section. This section can be found after clicking "Add" on the "Attachments" page. An example of an additional note - the job posting number for cover letter. |
How can I be notified of Job Titles of interest? |
Once logged into your WNYRIC Applicant Tracking on-line application click "Jobs". Click the downwards pointing triangle and then click "Job Notifications". In the Job Type list click to select one or multiple Job Type titles to receive notifications. Click "save and next" to save your changes. Be sure you have an updated e-mail address on the General Information page of your application to receive the emails. |
I created a Classified Application, but I need a Certified Application. |
Applicants have the ability to change the Applicant Type from Certified to Classified, Classified to Certified, or make a Certified/Classified Application.
To do this, go to your "My Application" (located on the left-side of the Black bar at the top of the page on the "Welcome to the Online Application System for WNY Schools" page). Click on the "General Information" page in the list of pages on the left-side of the screen and then scroll down the page until you see "change type" in Blue (click on it).
If you decide to add a second Applicant Type to your current application, click on the empty box to create a check mark and then click "save and next" to save it.
If you want to change your Application Type, select the box with a check mark to remove the check mark and then check mark the desired Applicant Type, and click "save and next". |
How long will my application stay active? |
The application will stay active for 180 days before it goes to an inactive status. Each time you update your "My Application", it extends the 180 day period. If your application goes to an inactive status, you can simply login and click re-activate.
If your application is inactive for 3 years, your application will be permanently inactivated - you will then need to create a new application. |